.: Kompas Brunton 5010 Call Rian 081398390838
Judul*: | Kompas Brunton 5010 Call Rian 081398390838 |
Iklan*: | Kompas Brunton 5010 Features: Adjustable needle locking mechanism Hinge clinometer with 1° increments for 1/2° readable dip measurements Two long-level bubbles on the outside of the aluminum housing for no guess leveling from the sides or the bottom Cover hinge assembly designed for increased durability "Buck Horn" style sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles Single NdFeB magnet resists demagnetization better than any other type of magnet Azimuth accuracy ±1/2° with 1° graduations Vertical angle accuracy ±1/2° with 1° graduations and 10 minute vernier Vertical angle measurements to ±90° or 100% grade Percent grade scale with increments of 5% Induction dampened needle for quick, accurate readings Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement Magnetic declination adjustment allows for east or west declination settings to +/-180° Precision aligned mirror with convenient "see-through" sighting capability Aluminum billet body assembly makes the GEO nearly indestructible 6061-T6 hard anodized aluminum body for permanent color and scratch resistance Ball & socket tripod mount is centered for increased accuracy of rotation O-rings make the GEO Waterproof for increased reliability Leather case included Overall dimensions: 3.8"x2.8"x1.3" Weight: 12.8 oz METODE PEMBAYARAN : Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara Cash On Delivery / Transfer Bank. * C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Bayar ditempat) Khusus untuk wilayah " Jakarta " kami melayani pemesanan dengan cara pembayaran di tempat anda, Prosesnya : 1. Pesanan anda kami antar ke tempat anda 2. Setelah anda terima silahkan cek kelengkapan dan kualitas barang 3. Bila sudah ' OK' dan tidak ada masalah baru dibayar Pembayaran ditempat bisa dalam bentuk tunai ataupun Transfer . Transfer Bank Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan Transfer Bank, baik melalui ATM, Setoran Tunai, Internet banking atau mobile banking. Untuk info dan harga terbaik, silahkan hubungi : Mr.Rian Hadianto HP : 081398390838 / 085710097032 / 0859210015115 BB PIN: 7ED4AA6A, 51836708, 27EC4181 Email: mitralaserstore@gmail.com / mitralaser21@gmail.com Office : MITRA LASER Jl.Cipto Mangunkusumo ( H.Mencong ) , Perumahan Mahkota Simprug Blok B8/ 21, Tangerang Selatan 15153 Phone: 021-29040157 / 021-44741499 / 021-90390198 Fax : 021-34617569 |
Nama*: | Rian Hadianto |
Email*: | rian_gps@yahoo.com |
Alamat Web*: | http://www.mitralaser.net |
Banner Web*: | Brunton 5006-228x228.jpg |
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